The Adventures of Roderick Random V2 is a novel written by Tobias George Smollett and first published in 1775. The book follows the adventures of the eponymous Roderick Random, a young man who sets out on a journey to find his fortune. Along the way, he encounters a colorful...
The Adventures of Roderick Random is a novel written by Tobias Smollett in 1775. It is a picaresque novel, which means that it is a series of loosely connected episodes that follow the adventures of the main character, Roderick Random. The novel is set in the 18th century and...
""The Adventures of Roderick Random"" is a novel by the Scottish author Tobias Smollett, first published in 1748. The book follows the life of the eponymous Roderick Random, a young man who sets out to make his fortune in 18th century London. Along the way, he encounters a variety...