Brooke illuminates the first-century world shared by theQumran community and the writers of the NewTestament.
The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided Old Testamentscholars with an enormous wealth of data for textualcriticism as well as theology. But, as Brooke skillfullydemonstrates, New Testament scholars can use the Scrolls tolearn more about the linguistic, historical, religious, andsocial contexts of Palestine in the first century.
A wide range of topics and themes is discussed, includingMatthew's Beatitudes, the lost song of Miriam, Levi andthe Levites, women's authority, and the use of scripture in theparable of the vineyard.
It's time for our annual collection of the best books of the year. The titles that made the cut cover a robust range of genres and categories. This roundup includes the standouts in literature, fiction, and nonfiction. Upcoming editions will focus on kids' & YA, romance & horror, and mystery & sci-fi/fantasy.
Told from the point of view of the enslaved Jim, Percival Everett's latest novel, James, is a brilliant, action-packed retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. If you enjoy stories that reimagine, reframe, or pay homage to classic texts, here are fifteen more titles for you.
Our newest survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. parents and their kids about their reading habits, popular and classic books, and summer reading assignments. The story we uncovered offered a few surprises.
Renowned author Cormac McCarthy passed away last week at the age of 89. As a writer, he was a bit like some of his characters—determined to play by his own rules. His bleak, often violent stories were tempered by lush prose and stark authenticity. Here we remember his life and legacy.
We always enjoy taking a look back at the pop culture that has withstood the test of time. Over the past month, we've explored some of the notable books and movies turning fifty, as well as books that came out a century ago. Now we remember ten memorable books turning ten.