The Absent-Minded Coterie is a novel written by Robert Barr. The story revolves around a group of absent-minded individuals who form a coterie, or a close-knit group. The members of the coterie are all eccentric in their own way, and their forgetfulness often leads to humorous...
The Absent-Minded Coterie is a novel written by Robert Barr. The story revolves around a group of friends who call themselves ""The Coterie"". The group consists of six members, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. The main character, Mr. Peter Kerr, is a forgetful...
The Absent-Minded Coterie is a novel written by Robert Barr. The book follows the story of a group of friends who call themselves the ""Absent-Minded Coterie."" The group consists of four men who are all absent-minded in their own way. The main character of the book is Mr. Peters,...
The Absent-Minded Coterie is a novel written by Robert Barr. The story is set in London during the late 19th century and follows the lives of a group of friends who call themselves ""The Absent-Minded Coterie"". The group is comprised of various individuals, including a journalist,...