I checked this book out at the library and enjoyed it so much that I had to buy it for reference. It's packed with good information on all aspects of meditation, including myths, history, a wide variety of practicies and excercises for the beginner as well as the more experienced meditator. I recommend it especially for the beginner.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Meditation, by Joan Budilovsky and Eve Adamson, will answer every question you have about meditation, as well as help you find the kind of meditation that is right for you. Budilovsky and Adamson have teamed up before with books on yoga and massage, as well as writing independently about holistic health. They write that "meditation can teach you to live in the now, to know yourself--body, mind,...
This book is definately not for idiots! It contains nearly everything that beginners would be interested in concerning meditation. There are lessons on different cultures and how they meditate, spiritual meditation practices (to reach for enlightenment) how and where to pick the perfect meditation sanctuary, poses and hand positions, moving meditation, and so much more. This manual is written in a down to earth style that...
This book is one of the best books on the subject of meditation without the excessive religiousity that is often associated with books on this subject. The authors have presented the material in an organized fashion that is useful to the uninitiated and the experienced alike. It gives a good fundamental grasp of the subject in a modern day language emphasizing the scientific basis. It also gives explanation of different...
Is your life out of control? Are you stressed to the limit with family, job and social obligations? If your answer is yes... see a therapist immediately! For the rest of us who want to improve upon and take a break from, the everyday hassles of life, THIS IS OUR BOOK! No mumble, jumble, new age pie in the sky theories here, just a down-to-earth book introducing us to the ages old practice of meditation. History, terminology...