Taylor and Nolan are to be commended for their extensive research and fine writing. As a former peacekeeper who served on two of the tours that Tested Mettle covers, I must say that these authors were able to capture the essence of what me and "the boys" went through. What I found truly shocking was their revelations about the senior level corruption and the lack of compassion for those soldiers who were wounded. I had always...
The book is an amazing job of journalism and writing but what really jumped out at me is the commentary on the Canadian government and people. The book was tell written and tells several stories of heroism and tragedy that never made it into the Canadian mainline media reports.It gives a view of our troops that until recently was not heard of and opened a lot of viewers eyes to what has been happening.
I am a serving member of the Canadian Forces, and although I have not been on peacekeeping missions (I'm navy) I have heard many first-hand stories from army friends about the kind of experiences in the former Yugoslavia which Scott Taylor and Brian Nolan document. As with their ealier "Tarnished Brass" Taylor and Nolan have again done the public a service by documenting the sacrifice and heorism of the average Johnny...
Thoroughly detailed yet very readable, I would recomend this book to absolutely anyone who has even heard of Canada, perfect for anyone trying to come up to speed on the conflict in the former Yugoslavia (as a Croatian,this was not my intent in reading it), or for anyone who is even slightly curious about the weakening Canadian Military
As a former peacekeeper myself I can relate to the stories written in this book. Once I began reading it I could not stop. So many things I agree with and so many things I never knew existed or were allowed to exist by senior officers. I have not always agreed with Scott Taylor's view on things but I have nothing bad to say about this book. Excellent from start to finish.