Terror on the Titanic by Jim Wallace takes YOU back in time to an historical adventure aboard the infamous Titanic. 9-12 year old readers will explore the world's most luxurious ship and study how it operates, meet the crew, and drink up the magical excitement of this maiden...
Choose Your Own Adventure SPIES: Mata Hari by Katherine Factor takes YOU around the world and back in time. 9-12 year old readers will enact the early life of an actual historic spy, Margaretha Zelle, who was best known by her stage name, "Mata Hari." More than a dancer and spy,...
It's April, 1912, and you are a passenger onboard the Titanic, considered unsinkable. But four days into the voyage, the ship hits an iceberg and begins descending into the icy water. There aren't enough lifeboats for everyone. What should you do? Think quickly--the decisions...