Amazing Machines: Terrific Trains follows Rabbit, Bird, and Mouse as they discover all kinds of trains in a bright and bold rhyming picture book Each page is filled with details that machine-mad kids will love: tooting whistles, railroad crossings, and trains...
Amazing Machines: Terrific Trains follows Rabbit, Bird, and Mouse as they discover all kinds of trains in a bright and bold rhyming picture book Each page is filled with details that machine-mad kids will love: tooting whistles, railroad crossings, and trains...
Big Trains, small trains, old trains, and new, rattling and whistling -- Choo, choo, choo! Preschoolers will chuckle as a wacky animal crew toots the whistle and treats them to the delights only a train journey can offer. Clickety-clack, whizz down the track, slow to a railroad...