It's remarkable that 500 years after her death, Teresa continues to provoke admiration and castigation, something I think she would have enjoyed, albeit quietly... One thing I relished about this book is the balance the author achieves in relating Teresa the strong reformer and writer and Teresa the Mystic. We are not spared the strange nature of Teresa's mystical life, but neither is it treated in "tabloid" fashion,...
As a Third Order (Lay) Carmelite, I am pleased to recommend Medwick's book to anyone who wants a balanced account of the spiritual and secular journeys of St. Teresa, who lived during Spain's most storied and colorful century. Teresa is often misunderstood, even caricatured, but Medwick strives to show us a clear picture of this woman who was both extremely simple and wondrously complex. Teresa was well acquainted with...
I think this is a very valuable and interesting biography. Interesting because Mz Medwick has a scholars touch, she is comfortable with the material and has done much research. Also the author presents the information so that it can help others. Even if the reader is not a believer I think this book will reveal a time and place and personality that will be informative and entertaining, this makes it valuable.
I gave this book five stars because it's intelligent, witty and extremely well-written. A joy to read. The author makes us feel as though we knew Teresa personally. I've read other books about St. Teresa and I've also read Teresa's own works. I was impressed, really in awe. Medwick made me realize what I should have known all along: Teresa was both beautiful and brilliant, and had she been a 20th century woman she...
I have just finished reading this terrific book. I have been interested in St. Teresa and Spain since age 15 and have even visited Avila. This is absolutely the best book about St. Teresa I have ever read. Ms. Medwick humanizes this heretofore unapproachable saint and we get to know her as she no doubt really was--an extraordinary human being with faults and foilbles like all the rest of us. The narrative was fascinating--I...