Debut writer Friedman recounts her unconventional childhood with her musician father, animal-loving mother and a monkey named Amelia (later, a brother is born). As high school approaches, Hannah earns a scholarship to the prestigious Danforth Academy, where she is befriended by a group of wealthy, popular girls, who alternatively love each other and stab each other in the back. In conversational prose, Friedman details her quest to fit in, including...
In all of my 27 years I have never found a book that touches so well on the trials and tribulations of being an emotional teenage wreck of a girl while also noting the silly, psychotic, irrational, hysterical experience of it all too. I couldn't put this book down! Hannah's story is so unique but there are so many things that I find myself relating to. This books entices you to read faster to see what will happen next. I...
Hannah's memoir is fantastic!!! It's a quick read full of her own special brand of acerbic wit. I think everyone could find something to relate to in this book. For me, it was Hannah's fear of sleepovers. When I was young, I also suffered from slumber party anxiety. I don't know why, but I was always so nervous about spending the night at a friends house. As soon as everyone around me fell asleep, I had to fight the urge to...
Everything Sucks is a brutally funny and honest look of the prep school career of Hannah Friedman, who is attending the tony school as a scholarship student. There are seventeen chapters of "things that suck," including family, mean girls, friends, high school, diets, love, sex, education, home college, drugs, and well, everything, including epilogues! Some of the funniest parts of Hannah's memoir are those about her family...