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Animals Children's Children's Books Literature & Fiction Math Mathematics Science & MathI enjoyed reading the latest adventures in Botswana because I can escape the worries of my world and visit a place that may or may not be simpler and more grounded in what matters in life. I rarely read non-fiction, but this series of books allows me a "time-out" from the world and its worries, such as high gas prices, food shortages, and carbon footprints.
The latest in the #1 Ladies Detective Agency series is is as wonderful as all of the others. It caputes the feeling of Africa and the beauty of its people with sensitivity, humor and respect. An inspiring read!
Alexander McCall Smith's latest Precious Ramotswe novel, "The Miracle at Speedy Motors," once again celebrates the everyday blessings that too many of us tend to take for granted: the love of our friends and relatives, our good health, the beauty of one's native land, and the gratification that comes from doing our work well. Mma Ramotswe presides over the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency in Gaborone, Botswana. Her associate...
This is as brilliant a book as ever in the series, and shows a writer very much still at the height of his creative powers. While some might think one overarching mystery might be important, I think that that misses the point of a novel like this - the wonderful pace. As a leading London lawyer told me, the great things about these novels is that they are SLOW: the pace is leisurely and they induce a wonderful sense of calm...
Fans of Alexander McCall Smith's 'Ladies Detective Agency' series are sure to enjoy this latest offering. I just love the series. The author has a talent for making you feel right at home in Gabarone, Botswana, with Mma Ramotswe, Mr J.L.P. Matekoni, Mma Makutsi and the other colourful characters in the novels. Crossing continents is not a problem as McCall Smith brings these characters to life in a wonderfully vivid way. ...