Texas, the 1930s-the years of the Great Depression. It was the Texas of great men: Dobie, Bedichek, Webb, the young Am rico Paredes. And it was the Texas of May McCord and "Cocky" Thompson, the Reverend I. B. Loud, the Cajun Marcelle Comeaux, the black man they called "Grey Ghost," and all the other extraordinary "ordinary" people whom William A. Owens met in his travels.
"Up and down and sideways" across Texas, Owens traveled. His goal: to learn for himself what the diverse peoples of the state "believed in, yearned for, laughed at, fought over, as revealed in story and song." Tell me a story, sing me a song brings together both the songs he gathered-many accompanied by music-and Owens' warm reminiscences of his travels in the Texas of the Thirties and early Forties.