Although the "decline" of network television in the face of cable programming was an institutional crisis of television history, John Caldwell's classic volume Televisuality reveals that this decline spawned a flurry of new production initiatives to reassert network authority...
"Holling is tormented by Koyaanisqatsi dreams until he goes out and does the wild thing with a young stag . . . . "--Synopsis from production company "Bible," Northern Exposure, March 30, 1992 The collision of auteurism and rap--couched by primetime producers...
Although the "decline" of network television in the face of cable programming was an institutional crisis of television history, John Caldwell's classic volume Televisuality reveals that this decline spawned a flurry of new production initiatives to reassert network authority...
Caldwell calls for a 'desegregation' of theory and practice in media scholarship and for an end to the willful blindness of 'high theory.'