Explore, create, and imagine like a girl
Girls can do anything, and Adventure Girls proves it Packed with exciting activities and crafts for girls (ages 6 to 12), this book inspires young adventurers to be curious, innovative, and bold. From stargazing and animal tracking to making a pinhole camera and building a shadow theater, Adventure Girls is not one of your typical craft books. It empowers girls to:
Develop independence--Many of the activities are designed to be parent-assisted as girls learn to explore and create safely on their own.
Delve into science--Discover scientific ideas and principles through constellation identification, bird watching, and compass making.
Get their hands dirty--Adventure Girls encourages outdoor play and exploration, from making a rope swing in the backyard to going on a nature scavenger hunt to building a shelter outside.
Express their creative side--These crafts for girls also engage their artistic side, with activities like creating decorative 3D stars, pressing flowers, and folding (and inventing their own) paper airplanes.
Instill confidence and curiosity with this collection of fun, engaging activities and crafts for girls.
This was the third in the series and I was hooked with the first so I was on the edge of my seat anxious to get to the fourth. I read this book in a day. Awesome book, and series. Excellent writter.
In this third book of the series, Terri Blackstock introduces a new character to the mix. While still excellent, the characters don't have as much punch as in the previous two books. Her characters' struggles with coming to the Lord need to be better worked out. Still, this is a great read.
Terri Blackstock is not only one of the most unique writers today,incorporating her stong faith in her work; but is also among the very best in creating compelling plots and people about whom the reader cares. This talent is increasingly rare, even among the "best-selling" secular authors. --Ron Howe (a.k.a., Toby Martin II)
This is a great book, as are all Terri's books! She keeps you guessing and in suspense. As always, she provides you with biblical answers to difficult situations. She doesn't skirt or sugarcoat the hard issues, but deals with them head on.