This may seem odd but I am entrenched in the complexities of the Access 2007 database application and its implementation, but didn't know scratch about Excel 2007. My brother uses Excel to create estimates that are very professional looking for his construction remodeling business. He says Excel is a breeze, but so is everything when you already know how to use it. He came over and gave me a few tips, and I was impressed with...
The teach your self visually books are fantastic for easy learning, I have the excel and access books, and they are both great. Thanks to the book creator!.
This book is more than the five star rating. Visually Excel learning the only right way to go. The book is excellently done too.
I use this book everyday, easy to understand, easy to use. My spread sheets look just as good if not better than those in my work place that do this everyday. I am just slower, but who would know.
For those of us who lack computer savvy, a book like this is an essential. Personally I learn much better if I can read text AND look at a picture. Never really having done a spread sheet before, I learned in no time at all. I keep the book right by my computer. I have found all the 'Visually' books to be helpful