A modern-day classic underdog story to share with middle graders alongside such favorites as Wonder, Holes, and Bridge to Terabithia. Paul Fisher sees the world from behind glasses so thick he looks like a bug-eyed alien. But he's not so blind that he...
Paul Fisher sees the world from behind glasses so thick he looks like a bug-eyed alien. But he's not so blind that he can't see there are some very unusual things about his family's new home in Tangerine County, Florida. Where else does a sinkhole swallow the local school, fire...
Bienvenido a Tangerine. Este lugar es m?s raro de lo que parece. Paul Fisher ve el mundo a trav?s de anteojos tan gruesos que parece un insecto del espacio exterior. Pero no est? tan ciego como para no ver que hay algunas cosas muy poco normales en la...
Paul Fisher sees the world from behind glasses so thick he looks like a bug-eyed alien. But he's not so blind that he can't see there are some very unusual things about his family's new home in Tangerine County, Florida. Where else does a sinkhole swallow the local school,...
A special tenth-anniversary edition of a modern classic