I gave this to my husband as an anniversary gift, enscribing it "to my hero," and he really likes it. The style isn't so much outright corny as matter-of-fact like the Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide. The silly items, like How to Perform the Jedi Mind Trick, are described as if they were in the universe of Star Wars or from whereever they were derived, but at the end of the item the author adds the closest match in our...
When one picks up a book like this, they may worry that it's loaded with a bunch of bunk, pointless, yet somehow humorous information. Oddly enough, this isn't the case with this book. Each skill described in this book is told with the advice of experts in the field in question. At the same time, though, it's pretty hilarious, and doesn't overuse pop-culture references. If you're into the "Worst Case Scenario" series, pick...
This brilliant book expands on the previous Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook series and adds humour to what was previously a rather boring instructions you'd find in a box of something you were going to put together type series. In The Action Hero's Handbook the authors pretend you the reader want to be an action hero and guide you step by step through how to spy proof your hotel room, survive being run over by a truck,...
When my brother loaned me his copy of this book I was definitely intrigued. Then when I started reading it, I just could not put it down. I loved it so much I just had to get my own copy. It has all sorts of useful information including: how to disarm a thug with a gun, how to save someone from falling off a cliff, how to pick up someone in a bar, how to secure and read a crime scene, how to fight off a ghost, and how to...
I can't believe this book! I saw it at my school's co-op and I couldn't pass it up. I mean, how many books actually show you how to do a Jedi Mind Trick or take a bullet? For those who like the Worst-Case Scenario books or TV show, this is another great one to add to your collection!!!