This new edition of Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem may be the most important resource you can own for helping you understand Scripture and grow as a Christian. The most widely used resource of the last 30 years in its area with over 1 million copies...
Con varios cientos de p?ginas de contenido nuevo, esta nueva edici?n ahora incluye las siguientes caracter?sticas distintivas:
The Christian church has a long tradition of systematic theology, that is, of studying biblical teaching on centrally important doctrines such as the Word of God, redemption, and Jesus Christ. Wayne Grudem's bestselling Systematic Theology has several distinctive features: A...
La iglesia cristiana tiene una larga tradici n en cuanto a la teolog a sistem tica, la cual se basa en el estudio de la teolog a y la doctrina organizadas alrededor de categor as bastante uniformes como la Palabra de Dios, la Redenci n y Jesucristo. Esta introducci n a la teolog...