A fascinating discussion on sex, gender, and human instincts, as relevant today as ever In the course of a lively drinking party, a group of Athenian intellectuals exchange views on eros, or desire. From their conversation emerges a series of subtle reflections...
Plato, Allan Bloom wrote, is "the most erotic of philosophers," and his Symposium is one of the greatest works on the nature of love ever written. This new edition brings together the English translation of the renowned Plato scholar and translator, Seth Benardete, with two illuminating...
La narracin se inicia con Apolodoro, que en una conversacin con un amigo rememora una historia que el amigo supone reciente. Apolodoro le comenta que dichos dilogos en los que particip Scrates ocurrieron en otro momento histrico, cuando ellos eran nios.Se inicia el susodicho...
Bryn Mawr Commentaries provide clear, concise, accurate, and consistent support for students making the transition from introductory and intermediate texts to the direct experience of ancient Greek and Latin literature. They assume that the student will know the basics of grammar...
In his celebrated masterpiece, Symposium, Plato imagines a high-society dinner-party in Athens in 416 BC. The guests--including the comic poet Aristophanes and Plato's mentor Socrates--each deliver a short speech in praise of love. The sequence of dazzling speeches culminates...
In his brilliant dialogue, Symposium, Plato presents an imaginary dinner-party set in Athens in 416 BC where the guests include Aristophanes, Socrates and the most popular Athenian of his day, star-athlete Alcibiades. The sequence of dazzling speeches culminates in Socrates'...
Es uno de los pilares sobre los que se asienta toda la filosof?a de Occidente, gira en torno a Eros, el Amor. Y aqu?, como en el resto de su obra, el influyente pensador revela tambi?n una gran fuerza literaria --y, en particular, dram?tica-- a la hora de sumergirnos en el contexto...
El banquete o El simposio es un di logo plat nico compuesto hacia el a o 380 a. C. que versa sobre el amor. Esta obra, junto al Fedro, conform la idea de amor plat nico.La narraci n se inicia con Apolodoro, que en una conversaci n con un amigo rememora una historia que el amigo...