Designed by leading educational specialists to teach valuable study skills to students in grades 6-12, it teaches students how to learn the true key to acquiring knowledge. Strategies focus on organizational skills, time management, improving reading comprehension, vocabulary development, communication, how to study for tests effectively, memorization, and more. There are self-tests and reproducible forms to be used by individual students. This book...
Among the ten books I have read for this age group, this book is in the top group. It is oriented around learning styles, which may not be immediately understandable or useful to kids who are struggling (it often takes an adult to explain learning styles to a youngster and help the young person practice the understanding), but the sections on communication, reading comprehension, note-taking, homework, memorization, and test-taking...
This book does a good job of describing study strategies. However, I think that the book, SURVEY OF 300 A+ STUDENTS: A+ STUDENTS DESCRIBE THEIR ACADEMIC STRATEGIES, by Kenneth Green (from Harvard) is a bit better (which I think deserves 5 stars).
Study strategies are often overlooked in school, yet they are the tools students need to succeed. The authors have included many strategies to help kids stay organized, take tests, do research reports, take notes, and study. I would highly recommend this for middle and high school students.
As a high school English teacher I have always wanted to have a book I could give my students to learn study skills. Study Strategies Made Easy provides practical information and important study skills such as planning for long term reports, how to study for tests, note-taking, organization, and how to improve you memory. These strategies, and the others in this wonderful book, give students the edge they need to be successful...