Katie's Grandma has tripped on a cracked sidewalk and hurt her ankle, but she's soon rescued by two real life heroes: the paramedics Katie learns that fixing up ankles is just part of a paramedic's job. They can actually save lives with their speedy and careful work. Super Paramedic...
La abuela de Katie se tropieza en la acera y se lastima un tobillo, pero muy pronto llegan al rescate dos h roes de la vida real: los param dicos Katie descubre que vendar un tobillo es solo parte del trabajo de un param dico. De hecho, los param dicos salvan vidas gracias...
La abuela de Katie se tropieza en la acera y se lastima un tobillo, pero muy pronto llegan al rescate dos h roes de la vida real: los param dicos Katie descubre que vendar un tobillo es solo parte del trabajo de un param dico. De hecho, los param dicos salvan vidas gracias...
Katie's Grandma has tripped on a cracked sidewalk and hurt her ankle, but she's soon rescued by two real life heroes: the paramedics Katie learns that fixing up ankles is just part of a paramedic's job. They can actually save lives with their speedy and careful work. Super Paramedic...