A new Hunger Games prequel comes out March 18 and we've got our preorders on lock. In the meantime, we're delving into the early influences that inspired the hit series by Suzanne Collins and we've put together a roundup of reads based on Greek mythology. Plus, we share a list of the author's favorite books growing up.
Treat your March-born friends and family to a bookish birthday! Did you know you can schedule ThriftBooks e-Gift Cards to be delivered on a specific date? Or If you'd rather give your March mates something special, we've put together a list of some of the hottest titles of the moment. Plus, learn about literary luminaries born this month.
No matter how long our TBR lists get, we're always finding new books we want to add! Here are 23 exciting March releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.