Sunny is a teenager who is going through a tradgety. She is loosing her mom to canser. Sunny used to cope with this by skipping school, not studying, and even running away. Iused to think that sunny was a selfish character, because she didnt even visit her mother in the hospital. In this book, she stopped running from her problems. She handled her mothers death with a lot of maturity. I think Sunny is very brave. Even though...
im a great fan of ann martin. SUNNY DIARY#3 was EXTRAORDINARY. it is SOOOOOOOO touching. i think it is the best in the seires. SUNNY is a WONDERFUL. SHE IS A VERY rich charachter. she is ,in her third diary,facing her problems at last. she is so hurt and the reader feels it,it is so HARD to say goodbye or farwell to a person especially if it is your mom. ann has succeeded in going deep through her.the readers tears is a great...
This book was wondeful, and [at least in my opinion] it was probably the best in the series. its incredibly sad and heart wrenching, the torment sunny went through trying to deal with her mothers condition, and her death... I could almost feel her pain. And seeing how strong sunny was.. and how she overcame some of it... the emotion she showed, turning to her friends in her time of need. The fact that her friends didn't desert...
This book is a masterpiece. It hit so close to home for me. I have a plauge of cancer in my family, and I lost my father to cancer. It made me think hard about family values. I've cried maybe once in the past 5 years, but when I read this book, I couldn't stop. I still have tear stains on the pages of the book. If you don't already own this book, go buy it now. You won't regret it. promise.
Have you ever lost someone you have loved? Sunny's diary shows her emotional side even though she was one to rebel. Her mom was dealing with cancer and Sunny had to go through every moment of it until the end. This book made me cry! I am not one of those people to cry at fiction but Ann M. Martin made it so realistic for me. It was like I traveled inside Sunny's mind, through her thoughts. This was one of the best books...