The writer seems to be infatuated with the word"Badass" -he uses it literally a couple times EVERY page- and after the first 10 pages it's annoying.The book will give you some background on the team- but a MUCH better book is "Cheating is Encouraged". Don't waste your time, nothing new OR exciting about the Raiders is in here.
In choosing which National Days and holidays to promote here at ThriftBooks, the goals are usually reading, humor, learning, awareness, and/or having fun, with an undertone of acceptance and diversity, because books are for everyone. But as much as we wish we could include anything and everything, it's simply not possible, at least until quantum physics advances and we can post in alternate universes. Below are 31 (out of 114 possible) October monthly observances worthy of giving more love to, plus eight weekly ones (bonus!).