Oliver's character is not the most likeable, but the book is entertaining and comical. His point of view is slightly detached, and the characters are pretty wacky and original. This book is a must for every teenager. It's practical; it's direct; sometimes it's even romantic - definitely one of my favorites.
This book is truly amazing. It is both humourous and interesting from start to end. It is true what some other reviews say, that the main character does not learn much from his travails or gain morals, But not all books have to have resolutions. The ending however, is rather abrupt and a tad inconclusive. One of the things that I liked most about the book what that it seemed that quite a few of the events that took place...
I try not to judge books by their covers, but I couldn't help starting this book after seeing it at the library. I am very glad I did! Oliver, the young narrator, is full of hilarious observations and reactions to situations that we all seem to encounter at some point or other. It is clear the author put a lot of thought into his writing, and I found myself either laughing out loud or smirking many many times throughout the...
...If you appreciate characters with a unique view of their world. Oliver Tate is a sharp fifteen-year-old navigating a tangle of relationships. He manages with marvelous dexterity and insight. The language is a pleasure. How unusual and refreshing to find a writer who knows how to capture the world of a smart teenager. I will be looking forward to Mr. Dunthorne's future work! He is a writer of rare and unique voice.
The cover of this book caught my eye, so I started reading the jacket. Three sentences into the description I closed the cover and walked to the register. Sold. This is an enjoyable romp inside the mind of a 15-year-old boy with girl problems and parent problems. Only this boy is intelligent, pedantic, richly observant, and prone to bouts of imprudence. Dunthorne wrote this character and his shenanigans wonderfully. ...