A girl and her horse. A desperate journey. One unforgettable summer...
Fourteen-year-old Kat is expecting another peaceful summer at her family's remote farmhouse in the Adirondack Mountains. She can't wait to spend time riding her favorite horse, Stormwind, at her neighbor's stable. But when two shocking discoveries turn her idyllic world upside down, she struggles to rescue Stormwind from her abusive owner and deal with an unwelcome visitor who threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.Feeling betrayed, Kat flees into the wilderness with Stormwind and her loyal dog, Hesperus. Her solitary journey takes an unexpected turn when she meets Randy, a mysterious runaway with a troubled past. As their friendship grows, she and Randy must rely on each other to survive the dangers that come their way.
But Kat knows that she can't outrun her problems forever. Can she expose the secret that could ruin her family's future and help Randy overcome the haunting memories of his past?
A tale of survival, courage, and the strength of family, Stormwind of the North Country is a must-read for fans of adventure and the unbreakable bond between a girl and her horse.