Spiritdancer: The Blade of Baresi is an epic sword and sorcery fantasy placed in the world of Iasegald.
The Baresian swordsman, Kallias, pursues men on long-ships who have kidnapped his sister, Asadia. On the shores of the strange land of Marisko, Kallias befriends the last of the rekinnder race, a beautiful changeling named Dealla, who guides him on his journey. He also befriends a long-ship mystic, the mortal enemy of the rekinnder. Despite the tension between his friends, the three of them rescue a handful of kidnapped women and train them as an army to fight against the Bloodfish Navy and other forces of the mad magician who holds his sister.
The Rekinnder language is used by Dealla throughout the book. There is a Rekinnder lexicon and dictionary in the back as well as some select translations not explained in the body text.
Enter the world of Iasegald. Meet the exotic Dealla and learn her language The adventure awaits