Spirit Fire: A Story Of The Petun Indians is a historical fiction novel written by Lereine Ballantyne. The book is set in the 17th century and revolves around the lives of the Petun Indians, a Native American tribe that lived in what is now southern Ontario, Canada.The story...
Spirit Fire: A Story of the Petun Indians is a historical fiction novel written by Lereine Ballantyne. The book is set in the 16th century and follows the story of a young Petun Indian boy named Kwa. Kwa is a member of the Petun tribe, a group of indigenous people who lived in...
Spirit Fire: A Story Of The Petun Indians is a novel written by Lereine Ballantyne that tells the story of the Petun Indians, who lived in the Great Lakes region of North America during the 17th century. The novel follows the life of a young Petun boy named Kitchi, who is chosen...