This is an interesting and insightful interpretation of Spinoza. Contrary to another reviewer's assertion, a careful reading of the text reveals that Scruton is not referring to Spinoza when he employs the phrase "false prophet of atheism". In fact, Scruton seems to consider Spinoza's system to be an ususual form of theism. Whether Spinoza's vision is actually theistic, pantheistic or atheistic is a matter of debate among...
Scruton provides an excellent short biography of Spinoza's life and a good description of the world in which he lived. He invokes the biographical memoir of a contemporary and friend of Spinoza, Colerus. Scruton says " From this we learn of the simplicity and naturalness of Spinoza's life and character, and of the high esteem in which he was held by acquaintances and friends. The seclusion of Spinoza's life was necessitated...
Although I read Spinoza's "Ethics" as an undergraduate, I didn't remember much about Spinoza until I recently read Scruton's essay. I put a copy of this small book in the pocket of my suit coat and forgot about it until I was at the airport waiting for a flight. As I was starting to get bored, I remembered the book, pulled it out, and read it. As with all of Scruton's books, "Spinoza" is beautifully written and a joy to...
Scruton's "Spinoza" is an excellent introduction. Although Spinoza is not in vogue, Scruton reminds us of why it is important to study "past masters." I recommend that anyone that intends to read Spinoza's "Ethics" first read Scruton's introduction. By reading Scruton first, the reader will have a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
It is not easy to boil down Spinoza's thought into a short introduction, but Roger Scruton has done a workmanlike job of it. The broad outlines of Spinoza's philosophy are here presented thoroughly and accurately -- of course with some sacrifice of depth, but the result is luminously intelligible. This slim and highly accessible volume may be the best introduction available to the philosophy of rationalism's greatest "saint."...