"Kraven's Last Hunt" is a true masterpiece of the comic book medium, and it still stands as the best Spider-Man related graphic novel to date. This story alone should be proof enough that J.M. DeMatteis was the best author to ever be put on the Spider-Books, and the artwork by Mike Zeck complements the writing wonderfully. This a book that must be read by all those interested or seeking an interest in comics, and of course...
I read this story when it first came out as a cross-over storyline spanning all the Spider-man titles at the time. I was hooked! I eagerly awaited the next instalment till it came. This brings the story together (four or five issues worth) in one book. It's hard to tell for whom to root for. The knee-jerk reaction, of course, would be Spidey. But yet, Kraven The Hunter, for a villian had both honor and integrity. You gotta...
I have so much I want to say about "Kraven's Last Hunt". What an amazing book. Worthy of being compared to "The Dark Knight Returns" graphic novel. Spider-Man has always been a fun character. He jokes and plays around frequently while fighting and defeating his many villans. Kraven is different. Each loss was shocking and disturbing and heartfelt for him. As each loss accumulated, his mind reeled and fought taking him to the...
Reading this book when I was 13 left a big impression on me. I had always heard how great it was, and when I finally read it, it became one of the first "serious" superhero books I had ever seen. To really nail this point there's an article at the back of the book saying how "serious" a book this really is and how superheros can be a "serious" medium. I don't know if superheros can be a serious artform, but this book is...
This series features the original characters, the original team, in all-new adventures drawn and told in a manner reminiscent of the Silver Age era but incorporating some of the more sophisticated storytelling techniques adopted since then. Perfect for older nostalgists without interfering the current timeline. Plus, it's a good read that current X-fans curious about the X-Men's earlier days can enjoy too.