I found it really useful in understanding the matters combined in Special operations. The theory which is also described in the doctrine of Spec. Ops. is here illustrated and explained in a less complicated way by using case studies. These case studies are randomly but carefully chosen by size, force, time, space, backgrounds of the participants, field of expertise and the end results. This way McRaven was able to prove his...
This book is one of the most useful books on special operations I've ever encountered. McRaven is uniquely qualified to write this book, being both a practitioner and a student of the art. He succinctly and clearly outlines six underlying principles and how they interact with one another, as well as how they support special operations. The clear descriptions and graphs on the "area of vulnerablity" are especially insightful...
In "Spec Ops" William H. McRaven has written a comprehensive, thoughtful, theory of special operations. In so doing, he has taken a field of arms that is shrouded and myth and bravado, and applied rigorous logic to it; the end result of which is both a useful tool for the analysis of past operations, and a guidebook for future ones.The key to this work's success is that it cuts through the mayhem, and "seat-of-their-pants"...
William McRaven's book "Spec Ops" stands alone in the realm of military books as the only basic textbook for Special Forces operations. The book is a collection of Case Studies of special operations conducted by various internation militaries from The German Attack on Ebem Emael in 1940 to the Israeli Raid on Entebbe in 1976. While these case studies seem ancient with respect to the advances in Special Forces theory and...
McRaven is the first author that I have read that has develop theoretical models that explain the "how" and "why" of special operations. He is the first "operator" that has moved beyond the operational world into doctrinal theory. All other authors have made their attempt in the fictional world - McRaven does it in the "real" world. His detailed examination of selected SPEC OPS missions since 1940 is particularly effective...