well written and interesting.
It was a timely coincidence I decided to read this book in 2004, twenty-two years after it was originally published. Ordinarily I am put off by 800 page books, especially historical fiction. However, this one was different. It grabbed and held me. Challenging, absorbing, dramatic, stimulating, and meaningful are a few of the adjectives that come to mind.Michener has dramatized the first advent of man into space in a marvelously...
This is about the only book of Michener I like since the ones with multi-generational sagas leave me cold. Here it is in all its glory, triumph, personal pain, sacrifice and unbelievable scientific achievement: The Story of man's attempts to transcend these "earthly bounds." The characters are simply awesome - the only word possible. The sHuntsville setting was of particular interest since it was presented as a normal town...
Near the end of SPACE, published in 1982, the engineer-scientist Stanley Mott says that his pro-science political remarks are addressed to the world of 2002, which, as I write, begins 19 days from now. Having myself been integrally involved in the political fight here in Kansas [Fremont] against a true-life embodiment of the book's anti-science creationist, Strabismus, I was astonished when I read in SPACE the same tactics...
Space is a tale that takes one from the battlefields of World War II to the Moon. Not many other books can make that claim, probably fewer still can do it with the finess that Michener can. As a sugar coated lesson in the history of rocketry I doubt that there is a better substitute. The final trip to the Moon as told by Michener is one of the most exciting sequences that I have ever read and well worth the wait. It...