An unforgettable tale of love and repression, appearing in book form for the first time. Beautifully produced and hauntingly illustrated, this unknown work by Iris Murdoch (1918-1999) is something very special indeed. Previously unpublished but for an excerpt in a 1950s anthology, this is a bittersweet, haunting story. Yvonne, an ordinary, bold young Irish woman, believes that there's more to life than marriage to Sam, the dutiful Jewish lad who is...
"Something Special" is a short tale by Iris Murdoch. According to the copyright page, it was first published in 1957. The Norton edition contains illustrations by Michael McCurdy.This short (55 pages) book tells the story of Yvonne, a young Irish woman who is being pressured by her mother and uncle to settle down and marry. But there is a disconnect between Yvonne's desires and the reality of her life. Towards the beginning...