This is the Spanish translation of the SOLO Field Guide to Wilderness First Aid, Beyond the Golden Hour, the textbook that accompanies the two-day course of the same name. The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course was created out of the direct experience of the founders of SOLO, the famous outdoor school that teaches wilderness medicine all over the world, and is designed for the "outdoor enthusiast". Whether hiker, climber, skier, kayaker, canoeist, or sailor, this course is for the adventurous who may find themselves away from immediate help and may have to rely on their own skills to survive and thrive if an emergency should arise.
This book is intended to be a true field guide that SOLO students can carry with them throughout their training and to use as a reference later. This book was designed specifically to compliment the instruction in the SOLO Wilderness First Aid course and is not intended for self-instruction.
Proceeds of sales of this book go directly to support SOLO programs.