Maybe some married couples naturally connect their spiritual lives to seek and serve God together. But the rest of us could use some help. Even Bill and Lyndi McCartney, who've long been devoted to the Lord, only recently grasped what they were missing. God wanted them to unite their spiritual pursuits-not just being sold out to God as individuals but Sold Out Two-Gether as husband and wife. Bill and Lyndi have become intentional about their spiritual partnership, and now they're encouraging other married couples to do the same.
Do you long for a fresh and powerful relationship with God?Do you want to make sure you're putting your promises into practice in daily life?Do you want to live a legacy as one who is fulfilling God's purposes in your life?Do you want to experience the blessings of a passionate and satisfying marriage?Reaching such godly goals is as close as your closest relationships-with God and your mate. Sold Out Two-Gether is NOT a marriage manual. It's a spiritual growth experience in which husband and wife partner together to accomplish God's purposes.
Being Sold Out Two-Gether also brings the body of Christ together. Huge assemblies of men and women have filled sports arenas all over America-men with men, and women with women. Bill and Lyndi have been part of the Promise Keepers movement. Connie Neal has toured the country with Women of Faith, inspiring women all over the country. As these three authors came together to write this book they asked, "What would happen if every married man and woman came home from such events and united with their mate to accomplish God's purposes?" Let's find out Sold Out Two-Gether gets you started. God will take it from there