Aubrey has some expectations when she leaves Florida for the first time to join her best friend Christie, at her grandparent's Vermont inn, the Spotted Owl. She expects snow, she expects to win the hockey shot competition at the local carnival, and she expects to have a fun vacation with her best friend. What she does not expect, however, is to participate in the Snow Queen pageant, to meet an uber cute guy, or be...
Aubrey has never seen snow, since she's lived her whole life in sunny Florida. So, going up north with her best friend, Christie, is going to be the best vacation of her life! Or so she thinks... Christie has entered Aubrey in the Snow Queen competition without her knowing - and Aubrey is nothing like a pageant girl! She'd rather play hockey than wear a gown. At first, Aubrey is adamant she's not going to enter, but she wants...
My Thoughts: I started reading Snow Queen and was instantly sucked in. I loved reading all about Aubrey and her mission to help her friend Christie win Snow Queen, except of course the hip popular snotty girl thinks she has to win, so Aubrey starts to get a competitive streak and wants to win even if it means going against her best friend Christie. Aubrey also starts falling for a guy and you'll never guess who the guy is,...