In this Caldecott Medal-winning modern classic, a young boy and his mother witness the Los Angeles riots from the safety of shelter after being forced to leave their apartment. Winner of the 1995 Caldecott Medal. During the Los Angeles riots, Daniel and his mother...
En este cl sico moderno, galardonado con la medalla Caldecott, un ni o y su madre se ven obligados a dejar su apartamento por la seguridad de un albergue durante una noche de disturbios. In this Spanish language edition of a modern classic, Eve Bunting's heartfelt story and David...
In a night of rioting, Daniel and his mother are forced to leave their apartment for the safety of a shelter. "Diaz has not been afraid to take risks in illustrating the story with thickly textured paintings against a background of torn-paper and found-object collage. Without...
Eve Bunting's heartfelt story and David Diaz's dramatic illustrations create a compelling child's-eye view of urban violence. A young boy and his mother are forced to flee their apartment during a night of rioting in Los Angeles. Fires and looting force neighbors--who have always...
In a night of rioting, Daniel and his mother are forced to leave their apartment for the safety of a shelter. "Diaz has not been afraid to take risks in illustrating the story with thickly textured paintings against a background of torn-paper and found-object collage. Without...