Leroy Anderson's Sleigh Ride" is a holiday favorite, and this setting for advanced piano duet gives it a fresh twist. It begins with Anderson's jingling melody and some musical banter between the primo and secondo players, and then it launches into a series of variations that...
Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe are perhaps the most thrilling young duo performing today, offering adrenalized classical concerts that are revolutionizing the piano duo experience for the 21st century. Described as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers transposed from the dance...
Written predominantly in 7/8, this advanced solo piano setting of Leroy Anderson's Sleigh Ride" dances around the keyboard. Large, right hand clusters signal the beginning of the arrangement before the main melody enters. Technical requirements include stretches of up to a tenth,...
Leroy Anderson's "Sleigh Ride" is a holiday favorite, and this setting for advanced piano duet gives it a fresh twist. It begins with Anderson's jingling melody and some musical banter between the primo and secondo players, and then it launches into a series of variations that...