I urge you to read anything you can that is written by Bailey White. I am currently sharing all three of her books, Mama makes up her mind, Sleeping at the Starlite Motel, and Quite a Year For Plums with my 70 year old mother and my 14 year old daughter. Her writing transcends generations. We read passages outloud to each other. From worms doing gymnastics from the ceilings to every possible strange character, her books...
I was given this book by my advisor when I graduated from High School in Atlanta and was going off to college in New York City. It is a wonderfully witty collection of memories that could be one's own. I found it to be both comical and poinent all and once and fell in love with its words right away. I highly recomend one story in particular called Native Air to anyone feeling a twinge of homesickness for the south...
I just spent the day reading all of "Sleeping at the Starlite Motel." As I read each page I realized that I've actually spent my whole life with similar experiences and people, only not as well described. Bailey White writes with gentle truth! A wonderful read!
She is wonderful. I only wish I had one of her books to read every week. Ms. White makes me feel like I know her family and her kinfolks. I think she has a marvelous gift with words and I just love her books. I would recommend this book to anybody who needs to feel happier
How often do you laugh out loud as you read a book? "For a good time" IMMEDIATELY turn to the short story titled "The Computer Lesson". It will hit your funny bone