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Cooking Cooking Health Health, Fitness & Dieting Health, Fitness & Dieting Other Diets Weight LossI can not emphasize how greatfull I am for having read this book. Before I read it I was trying every stupid diet in the world, diet pills, and even considered things that were probably illegal to lose weight. I was completely addicted to junk food and didn't even know it until I read this book!!! I was depressed most of the time, had no energy, felt hopeless that I'd ever be thin and feeling so completely despirate it was...
I bought this book because it is frank, honest, and outright funny! It's a rare thing for me to be laughing OUT LOUD as I peruse the bookstore, but this book is a great read. Yes it has some harsh facts about cutting through the crap that is considered a "normal" diet. But in this day and age, we all know that normal is overweight and/or unhealthy- so frankly I am glad to break from conformity! I have to say the biggest point...
Well let me first catch my breathe. I just finished this book a few hours ago, having started it last night. It was a riveting page turner and I will soon be rereading it, armed with a nice cup of decaf organic green tea and a highlighter. Sometimes the in-your-face approach can be really effective, and frankly what's necesary to get people to stop and think. I applaud Rory and Kim for writing a stellar book that sits you...
Welcome 2016!, and how are those New Year resolutions going? We're still in the "honeymoon phase" and I'm sure many of you are still crushing most of the goals you set. But the fact that we set similar goals most, if not every year, means that our resolutions can lack staying power. We’ve all had more "new leaves" turn back than we’d like to admit, and the usual suspects have something to do with diet and exercise. These failures are understandable because physiological and nutritional health get sold to us as a shrink-wrapped, easy solution you can gulp down in one easy shake a day.