Singing games carry a long and respected tradition of joyful music activity for children, adults, families, and communities. Singing and moving together in simple or complicated forms is, simply, contagious joy. Appealing to all ages--whether at home, in a classroom, or at a faculty meeting--singing games provide healthy opportunities for the lifting of spirits, sensory integration, and community building. In this active workshop designed for teachers, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and friends, participants will receive an introduction to the wisdom contained in singing games and learn a repertoire of singing games to be enjoyed in early childhood and early grades settings.
In these European-American singing games, readers will find similarities to forms, themes, and melodies in singing games from many cultures. Playing these games has a harmonizing effect on groups of all ages.
Anna Rainville includes games for classrooms, backyards, living rooms, seasonal festivals, birthday parties, picnics, block parties, faculty meetings, teacher workshops, conferences, and more.