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Master the Signal Processing Concepts and Techniques Needed to Design and Operate Any Wireless Communications Network
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications offers communications engineers an application-focused guide to the essential concepts and techniques of wireless signal processing. This comprehensive reference examines the role that key algorithms and standard migration paths play in the design and day-to-day operations of today's state-of-the-art wireless networks.
Written by Dr. Joseph Boccuzzi, a leading signal processing expert with years of product development, research, and teaching experience, this on-target engineering tool takes readers step by step through major wireless topics...modulation theory...wireless multipath channel...modulation detection methods...performance improvement techniques...receiver digital signal processing...3G wideband simulation estimation techniques...and 3G and beyond. Designed to bring engineers up to speed on the latest breakthroughs in signal processing technology, Signal Processing for Wireless Communications features:
Expert coverage of 3G wideband CDMADiscussion of the role OFDM will play in future technologiesComplete information on the role of vital signal processing algorithms within the context of wireless applications Discussions of advanced signal processing challenges in the mobile environmentOver 500 detailed illustrationsInside This Hands-On Signal Processing Guide
- Wireless Topics - Modulation Theory - Wireless Multipath Channel - Modulation Detection Techniques - Performance Improvement Techniques - Receiver Digital Signal Processing - 3G Wideband CDMA - Computer Simulation Estimation Techniques - 3G and Beyond