An amazing true story of love, loss and healing
This book made me fall in love with Italy, the endearing Saro, his mother, and of course the lovable Tembi. I expected it to make me sad, but instead it reminded me of how wonderful life can be when you follow your universe. I felt like I was peeking in on this delightful, but very real love affair. The writing is authentic and there are unexpected twists, turns. I finished the book feeling like Tembi was a new friend.
If you are the kind of reader who gets excited about seeing the story come to life on screen, this year has been such a treat, with so many great adaptations already out and more on the way. Here are all of the recent and upcoming book to screen adaptations you'll want to have on your radar so you can read it first.
The ThriftBooks team has worked hard all year long to build a best-in-class shopping experience for our valued customers. To help you learn about what is new, and maximize the value you can have from, I’ve put together this list of “Holiday Hacks” for you to reference as you begin your holiday shopping.