In these tales of hope and loss, lovers and found family, Lori L. Lake gives us amazing slices of life that Ann Bannon calls "pure gold."
The women in these stories, unsettled, adrift, and often disillusioned, can't quite understand how they arrived at their present situations. But whether rejected, afraid to commit, or just misunderstood, even the most hard-bitten are not without some hope in the power of love. Sharply rendered, the tone of these glittering tales reflects their title: silver and gray, shimmery and wintry, yet also filled with the shiny hope of summer.
"[Lake is] a superb seat-of-the-pants linguist and she puts all of her skills to work in the service of her engaging stories. These tales are bubbling with the energy of real people wrestling with their devils, facing up to their own errors, and discovering their true worth." Ann Bannon, author of the "Beebo Brinker Chronicles"