This classic Western is a profoundly moving story of the influence of a singular character on one boy's life. The Starrett family's life forever changes when a man named Shane rides out of the great glowing West and up to their farm. Young Bob...
One of a series of top-quality fiction for schools, this is Jack Shaefer's famous cowboy story which was made into an outstanding film. The tale is told by the boy into whose family corral a mysterious stranger rode in the summer of 1889.
He rode into our valley in the summer of 89, a slim man, dressed in black. Call me Shane, he said. He never told us more. There was a deadly calm in the valley that summer, a slow, climbing tension that seemed to focus on Shane. There s something about him, Mother said. Something...
In this true Western classic Jack Schaefer tells the story of a mysterious stranger who finds himself in the Wyoming Territory joining local homesteaders in their fight to keep their land and avoid the intimidating tactics of cattle driver Luke Fletcher. While trying to leave...
I had lain in my bed thinking of our visitor out in the bunk in the barn. It scarce seemed possible that he was the same man I had first seen, stern and chilling in his dark solitude, riding up our road. Something in Father, something not of words or of actions but of the...
I had lain in my bed thinking of our visitor out in the bunk in the barn. It scarce seemed possible that he was the same man I had first seen, stern and chilling in his dark solitude, riding up our road. Something in Father, something not of words or of actions but of the...