When Lily stumbles upon the well-built corpse of a local body builder-his neck broken by a barbell-the town's underlying racial tension begins to boil over. The white victim was somehow connected to two unsolved murders of black residents of Shakespeare-and a dogged policeman...
From Charlaine Harris, the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author behind HBO's hit series True Blood and NBC's Midnight, Texas, the second installment in a mystery series that pulls no punches... When Lily Bard agrees to open...
Shakespeare, Arkansas, is a small Southern town with plenty of secrets, and Charlaine Harris's Lily Bard, fresh from her acclaimed debut in Shakespeare's Landlord, is just one more of its residents-albeit one harboring a few secrets of her own-with a desire to live...
There's something rotten in Shakespeare... Lily Bard was running from shattering memories when she moved to Shakespeare, Arkansas. Now cleaning houses pays her bills. Working out helps her heal. Still protecting her scars, she hides a hard body and impressive skill at martial...