Being a former Marine myself that served in the post Vietnam era I wanted to know more about the war that I missed. Not that missing a war is a bad thing, but the vast majority of my Drill Instructors, NCOs, Staff NCOs, and Company Commanders and above were all Vietnam Vets, and they were definately a breed apart from peacetime Marines like me. After reading "Semper Fi Veitnam", I am more proud than I was before in being able...
This is a great book that captures all of the heartbreak, glory and tragedy as the Marines battle in Vietnam. This book begins at an important point history, US Marines entered Vietnam not as "advisors" but as elite warriors to directly fight the communists. Just about every major Marine operation is covered in this book. The Marines are Americas premier shock troops and they fought boldly and skillfully for ten long years...
Marine Infantry and their navy Corpsmen who served in Vietnam, will find their unit in this book, as well as those who served before and after their tours. More importantly grunts and Docs will know and understand better what they were doing and how that fit into the Marine Corps overall involvement in the war. Mr Murphy has talant beyond that of a history book author. The courage and selfless bravery of the men in this books...
After I read this book, I developed a better RESPECT for the Vietnam Veterns. As Vetern myself I had no idea what those guys went through. SEMPER FI Guys.
It seems quite evident that the sources for Murphy's book are unit histories, command chronologies and similar documents. These leave a bit to be desired as they're written by people who toe the party line (so to speak....meaning that the unit commander usually has a say as to what goes in and what gets omitted). As a one volume reference book on where and when the Marines had major engagements however, it is excellent...