50 Free & Low-Cost Ways to Market Your Crops
Finding customers for your specialty crops used to be expensive. Not anymore With a little help from the internet and proven free and inexpensive marketing techniques, you can get the word out without spending a fortune. Sell Your Harvest, was written to help growers generate new income from their plants with a tiny or non-existent advertising budget.
Specialty plant growers and producers of value-added plant products today have far more marketing options available to them than just a few years ago. Now, due to the explosive growth of the internet as an advertising medium, most of the effective marketing tools are free or close to it.
Frankly, most growers are not very good at advertising, publicity and other forms of marketing. They may be able to grow the finest apples, microgreens or shrubs, but haven't a clue how to stay connected to their customers and find new customers using the internet.
There are fifty free and low-cost marketing ideas for growers in this book. Whether you're launching a new specialty crop business, or expanding an existing one, free marketing can help you grow that business without spending a lot to do it.
In this book, you'll learn what works and what doesn't, so you don't have to waste time and money on "dead-end" advertising. You'll sell more plants and spend far less on advertising.