This assault is not happening from accident or whim. It is happening because disaffected liberals have deliberately set out to upend our Judeo-Christian traditions. Indeed, they are determined to tear down the traditional norms, values, and institutions that have been part of American society from its founding. The cultural debris that these saboteurs have created will take decades to clean up. In feisty prose Donohue explores our nation where a college...
This book gives an uncensored account of the liberal attempts to kill religion in America. Read only if you have a strong stomach.
Bill Donohue paints "the last politically-correct prejudice in America" in sometimes shocking but bold strokes. "Sabotage" is an accurate description of what secularists have attempted to do to our culture. Somehow, we have departed so far from our Constitutional guarantees of Freedom OF Religion that it is often misinterpreted to read "Freedom FROM Religion"--which was never the intent of the Founding Fathers. Mr. Donahue...
Bill Donohue author of Secular Sabotage presents an excellent case. He clearly has spent much time researching his topic. He states that Liberals are destroying religion and culture in America. I will take it farther and state that Liberals are allowing Satan to use them to destroy Christianity in America. Donohue's focus is on the Catholic Church. However, all of Christianity is under attack. Donohue's presentation is flawless,...
As we learn in this outstanding though disturbing book, when Pope John XXIII decided in the early 1960s to open the Catholic Church's windows to the modern world, little did he know that, as George Weigel puts it, he was opening these windows "just as the modern western world was barreling into a dark tunnel full of poisonous fumes" that included the toxins Dr. Donohue terms "radical individualism and a celebration of narcissism."...
There's no question that secularists hate the Catholic church. Their attacks have been growing in intensity over the last century. This coming Christmas season, New York schools are allowed to display menorahs and star and crescents, but never, ever, nativity scenes. Donohue, with a kind of gloomy relish, goes through the long list of outrages over the last few decades, and boy, does he have evidence. For example, there...