Second Corinthians offers the Church-in high definition, 3-D quality-an unforgettable presentation of God's unmatchable power working in the midst of extreme difficulties. Within its peerless pages, Paul exposes the promise, price, and proof of effective new covennant living and ministry. A combination of death to self and life in the Spirit unlocks God's limitless treasury. True to both the teaching and example of Jesus, Paul holds forth death and resurrection as two sides to the same coin. Together, they manifest the perfection evnisioned by God. Separated, they reveal a tradgedy filling up the various stages of Church history. Paul argues that a humble, submittingheart serves as the Spirit's context of choice for showing forth true glory. Nevertheless, humility never amounts to defeat. Throughout the book, Paul remains forever cognizant of two truths: without Jesus he can do nothing, and the Lord never leaves him. This makes way for miracle-working power in the midst of exceptionally imposing opposition.