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Animals Children's Children's Books Explore the World Horses Nature Science, Nature & How It WorksIt's been decades since my freshman year in high school (and, yes, the cliche "where did the time go?" applies), so a book about that fated year in student life doesn't generally flip my "must read" switch. But my niece, who will be frosh in a matter of weeks, convinced me, via a glowing telephone review, not to pass up David Lubar's SLEEPING FRESHMEN NEVER LIE. This novel about Scott Hudson's first year in high school features...
One rather lazy summer day, I went to the library. On a lark I picked up this book from a display shelf, opened it when I got home, and read the entire thing. I've checked it out 3 times since then. This novel is filled with wry, subtle humor which is an unusual find in a young adult book, whose preoccupations usually don't stretch farther than skinny girls in bikinis and getting drunk. The very character is very amusing...
Sleeping Freshman is a great book for any Young Adult to read. It is an interesting and funny perspective of Freshmen trying to fit in at the high school level. The main character, Scott, realizes that people change and grow up as he does throughout this novel. As Scott matures, he outgrows some of his friends and realizes others are better friends than he could ever imagine. This book is just fun and funny. As icing...
This is an entertaining novel about a guy's first year of high school. The main character is kind of an average joe who learns he excels at some things such as writing and fighting. His confidence leads him to stand up for himself and his friends and family when it matters. I laughed out loud several times and smiled throughout. I liked not only the main character, but also his girl friend full of piercings and weird hair,...
"They can't expect me to be a sports writer," Scott said jocularly. "I'm never going to survive freshman year," Scott said gravely. "All the older kids pick on the freshmen," Scott said sophomorically. Welcome to Scott Hudson's freshman year of high school. He isn't the handsomest or most popular guy around, and he doesn't have a clue as to how to talk to Julia, who once shared his peanut butter crackers and has morphed into...